‘Forecast’ weather update for June 13

Weekly weather update for professional turf managers from Frank Rossi:

Temp & GDD

A second above-normal week with most 4 F above normal. Persistent warm temps into the evening lead to more heat stress CNJ and south.  Base 50 GDD remain 1 week behind last year’s painfully slow spring and about “spot on” normal for the 15-year average. Soils are upper 70’s F Philly and south, mid 60’s to low 70’s-NYC Metro, West NY, FLX, low 60’s for the rest.


Hard to say any week is wet region-wide, but this past week came close. Most record 1-2”, except along coast and Cape <0.5”.  Also very dry in Buffalo/Niagara. 2 to 3” plus rec’d in the north. ET at 0.75-1” was slightly tempered by clouds and rain.


After a steamy stormy windy weekend the second week in the trough of the jet stream brings closer-to-normal temps. Expect highs 70-80 F and lows 50-60 F with a decline in winds midweek and then return late week with very windy but still normal  temps. Rainfall possible mid- to late-week with normal temps and little heat stress expected as well within 8-14d.

For more turf-related weather info and decision-making tools, visit the ForeCast website.

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