‘Forecast’ weather update for June 27

Weekly weather update for professional turf managers from Frank Rossi:

Temp & GDD

A warm week with most areas 4-6 F above normal. Cooler along the Great Lakes and much warmer along the southern end of the I-95 corridor. GDD ahead of normal in most locations by 7-10 days except in the Rochester area that continues to lag behind the 15 yr. avg. Heat stress confined to southern end of I-95 corridor as many still having cool night temps. Soils warming into the mid-70’s to the south and still in the low to mid-60’s in North.


Another very dry week with many areas <0.25” except in the far southwest corner that rec’d 3”+. The third straight week of moisture deficits continue to decrease soil moisture and intensely high ET values, with record numbers being recorded in some areas. The weekly ET range was from 1” to 1.25” .


Warm conditions persist as week begins followed by a slight cool down, some cloud cover and increased chances of showers in the mid-week period. Cool nights continue to help avoid heat stress issues, except from NYC south along I-95 corridor. The 8-14d calls for warm and dry conditions to persist.

For more turf-related weather info and decision-making tools, visit the ForeCast website.

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