Weekly weather update for professional turf managers from Frank Rossi:
Temp & GDD
Eleven straight weeks of above normal temperatures. Most 4-6 degrees above normal, with particular stress along the I-95 corridor due to warmer nights. Still accumulating significant GDD numbers between 100-200 when normally NONE. Soil temps are still warm at 2” depth ranging from low to mid 70’s in Washington, to upper 60’s the central and upstate NY regions. This is the longest growing season in 17 years of ShortCUTT.
Region wide rainfall amounts in general 1-2”, except swath through Central NY, HudValley, and Pioneer Valley where 0.25-0.5”. Soaking rain in South NJ and SW NY at 2” plus. ET is lower, at 0.6” in spite of warm weather, ET is driven primarily by solar radiation that is lower as sun moves down from peak angle.
A very dry week expected with “normal” temps that will feel cold. Highs mid 60 – low 70’s. Overnights in the 40’s -50’s. Potential spotty frost on Monday with dry air lowering dew point at night.Atlantic Hurricane systems are not threatening. Long term models call for return to warm and dry for 8-14d outlook.
For more turf-related weather info and decision-making tools, visit the ForeCast website.