
This ebook was made possible through a NYS IPM grants program Community IPM award to Lori Brewer in the Cornell Garden-Based Learning Program, Horticulture Section, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University. Inspiration originated from Cornell Cooperative Extension publications Lawn Care without Pesticides (2005) by Frank Rossi, Ph.D. and The Homeowner’s Lawn Care and Water Quality Almanac (2000) by Eva Gussack and Frank Rossi, Ph.D. Many experts contributed content and review to improve accuracy, clarity and usefulness of the final product including Cornell Turfgrass members – Frank Rossi, Mary Thurn, and Jennifer Grant as well as Joann Gruttadaurio.

All included videos were directed and created by Insights International, Inc.

Cover photo adapted from flickr image by Phil Roeder. Icons used free and non-commercially from

The information is presented with the understanding that no product discrimination is intended and no endorsement of any product mentioned or criticism of unnamed products is implied.

This ebook is produced with New York State lawns in mind. Details would apply to places with similar growing conditions. Connect with your local Cooperative Extension system to gather sound information for your specific region.

Designed by Steven Lai (Cornell ‘18).


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